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Yash Singh's Blog

Working on

Amortized vs. Asymptotic

Several asymptotic algorithms and techniques for identifying them

Intro to Emmet Abbreviations

Emmet Abbreviations is a powerful tool that can help you in writing HTML and JSX that is built into most popular editors

Function vs eval

Difference between new Function and eval in JavaScript

USACO Hurdles

Analysis, statement, solution, and implementation of the USACO January 2022 Bronze Problem 1, Hurdles

USACO Blocks

Analysis, statement, solution, and implementation of the USACO Februrary 2022 Bronze Problem 3, Blocks

USACO Photoshoot II

Analysis, statement, solution, and implementation of the USACO February 2022 Bronze Problem 2, Photoshoot II

USACO Sleeping in Class

Analysis, statement, solution, and implementation of the USACO February 2022 Bronze Problem 1, Sleeping in Class.

USACO Alchemy

Analysis, statement, solution, and implementation of the USACO US Open 2022 Bronze Problem 2, Alchemy.

USACO Counting Liars

Analysis, statement, solution, and implementation of the USACO US Open 2022 Bronze Problem 2, Counting Liars

USACO Photoshoot

Analysis, statement, solution, and implementation of the USACO US Open 2022 Bronze Problem 1, Photoshoot


What I use in my workspace. Inspired by uses.tech.

Pandalny Coupon Codes

Postman Collection for accessing the Pandalny Good Fortune Arcade Coupon Code Promotions

Covid 19 Era Technology Improvements

An infographic summarizing the improvements to technology in Covid-19

Using Open Graph Images over github-readme-stats

Use GitHub's Open Graph Images API to get a card on your repository

Component Style Guide

Guide to classifying and seperating components

Working with Array#reduce Asynchronously

Guide to doing asynchronous operations inside Array.reduce

MermaidJS Default Curves

List of flowchart curves in MermaidJS

Writing ESLint Rules

How ESLint rules are structured and how they work

Roblox is Finally on Ubuntu!

A guide to installing Roblox on Ubuntu

React Router DOM with live-server

How to use the React Router DOM module with live-server

Pushing Empty Directories in Git

Tips on pushing directories that are empty inside a Git repository

Getting Started with Heroku

A simple guide to starting up with Heroku

Path to Programming for Kids

Learn how to program as a kid!

GitLab Flavored Markdown vs GitHub Flavored Markdown

A complete comparision between the two markdown syntaxes

Importing Variables

Import variables that are from other files and not exported

Hacking Cookie Clicker

Complete Cookie Clicker in seconds with this piece of code

Javascript Custom Iterables

Building custom Iterables classes using Symbol.iterator

Google Translate Versus Microsoft Translator: Who Wins?

Complete comparasion of Google Translate and Microsoft Translator

How to Build a 3D Model of a Volcano

A short guide to making a volcano scene in Unity